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The Law Office of
Jeffrey L. Little
336 629-4529
200 Worth St. Suite E
Asheboro, N.C 27203
Our Law Firm Handles Speeding Tickets and Other Traffic Violations in Asheboro, NC and Randolph County, NC
If you have received a speeding ticket or other traffic violation in Asheboro NC or Randolph County NC you may need legal representation. For most people, a valid drivers license is something that they absolutely could not live without.
If you have received a speeding ticket or any other traffic citation in North Carolina, your N.C. driving privileges may be in jeopardy. Your insurance premiums may be increased by as much as 400%. The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles could assess driver's license points against your driving priviledge or even suspend your driver's license.
Before you “pay off” your speeding ticket (because the officer that wrote you the ticket told you that you could) you need to find out how doing that may effect your driver's license points and insurance rates. By paying off a speeding ticket you are pleading guilty. Before you do that, you should know the consequences. You do not know what you do not know...until it is too late. It will not cost you anything to call us and find out what your options are. In fact, it may save you a lot of money.
Driving While Impaired
Speeding Ticket
Other Traffic Citation
Reckless Driving
Expired Inspection / Registration
No Seatbelt
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation
© 2014.Jeffrey L. Little Attorney, Attorney at Law. All rights reserved
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